
My name is Rommy Cornejo Holman (maiden name Rommy Cornejo Diaz!) and I am from Cochabamba, Bolivia. Cochabamba is known as the culinary center of Bolivia and is famous for its delicious traditional recipes that use nutritious natural ingredients like quinoa. My family are Quechua people and I learned to cook from my Mom when I was 5 years old and have loved cooking ever since! My family grew up very poor and our recipes were based on whatever was cheap and available but by the time I was older I was able to go to the University of San Simon to get my Bachelor’s of Science degree in Food Engineering.

I have worked in various culinary and brewing jobs ever since including Taquiña breweries, The Hofbrauhaus Brewery in Munich, Germany, a bagel factory, natural food store, cookie company, and as manager of the Sweetsers Apple Barrel. I hope to share my love of Bolivian cuisine with the world, so please dive in, ask me any questions, and enjoy this wonderful culinary tradition!

48 comments on “About

  1. The most fun thing about food blogs is learning about food cultures one has absolutely no experience with. Thanks for this. I look forward to following along and learning about Bolivian cuisine!

  2. Gracias por tu blog! Me encanta la comida Boliviana y es dificil encontrar las recetas aquí en Canadá. My husband is from Cochabamba and I lived there many years. Could you post a good recipe for Picante de Pollo? Thanks!

  3. Will you please do a recipe of how to make “arroz con leche” and “humintas”??? I have been dying to learn these 2 things since I left! My Bolivian host family used to make them all the time, but I never learned how to myself….

  4. Thanks so much for posting Api con Pastel recipe…I’ve been looking for it for the last two months…and I finally found it! Could you also post the recipe for llajwa, the bolivian salsa sauce? Thanks!

  5. Hello! Mi mama tambien es de Cochabamba y me hacia sopa de mani, pero no me daba cuenta que delicioso era hasta que yo ya era grande… Pues, ahora tengo mis ninos y voy a tratar de hacer la receta gracias a ti. Mi mama y tios tambien hablan quechua y yo nomas aprendi unas palabritas. I am looking forward to making your recipes, Bolivian is rather tasty 🙂 Thanks!

  6. Hola Rommy, yo tambien soy Boliviana. I was born in Cochabamba and lived there for the first 8 years of my life. We still have our family there, as my father is Bolivian and get to visit every few years. I can’t wait to try your recipes, I’m not a great cook but am ready to start since I miss Bolivian food so much.

  7. Hi Rommy! I just see some of your recipes and looks really good so now I have to try it
    Could you please do the recipe for “salteñas”? I really miss it
    I like your blog, good job! 🙂

  8. Hi Rommy,I just want to let you know your blog it’s awesome!because I love cooking and as you did I learned from my grandma.Thank you and never stop!

  9. Rommy que maravilloso encontrar un lugar como el tuyo. Realmente me sietno muy orgullosa de ti. Me parece que eres una Chef marvillosa…no sabes si en Portland, Oregon hay algunos restaurantes con comida Boliviana?. Estare yendo a visitar a mi hija Jerannette que vive alla y me gustaria introducirles un buen restaurante Boliviano.

    Muchas gracias por eso amor a tu Patria…………..y la comida maravillosa de Bolivia


  10. Charo – Yo vivo en Portland, Oregon – y no hay restaurantes Bolivianos aqui en Portland (mis papas son de Bolivia tambien). El restaurante mas parecido a comida boliviana es un restaurant que se llama Andina http://www.andinarestaurant.com/ pero es comida peruana. Si te puedo ayudar con tu visita mandame un mensaje.

  11. Hi Rommy, I lived in in Bolivia for most of my teenage years and miss the cooking so much. Thanks for such a great site. I’ve tried your Cuñapé recipe and I’m moving on to Pasteles! Thanks again. Love the pictures and the obvious care that goes into your cooking.

  12. Have you consider putting out an Ebook you would do well I would love to do a cookbook there are very few Bolivian cookbooks in English I have two I got when I was very young both in English the quality of your work is fantastic id love to help you my father was from Cochabamba seraphin Quiroga my mother la Paz I was born in Tarija. Sincerely tamara

  13. Hi. I only have powdered form of aji from Bolivia. How do I convert the measurement ? Thank you. Look forward to communicating with you.

    • Hi Helen, I will use 1 large tomatoes and 1/2 green pepper and add 1 tbsp of the Locoto powder add to taste i love really spicy but you can start mild and add more if you want. I love the jalapeno pepper as a replacement for the locoto. Have fun cooking!

  14. hi rommy. i cant find dehydrated peaches anywhere here in the us to make mocochinchi. what are your suggestions?

  15. Hi Rommy. We lived in La Paz for 3 years but are in the US at this time. We will return to live again in La Paz in August. I just wanted to thank you for posting these recipes and pictures. I have been “homesick” and enjoying familiar food soothes my heart. Thanks again!

  16. Yammy! I just found your website and am going to attempt to do your silpancho recipe. My parents are from Bolivia and while my Mom (and sometimes Dad) remember how to make some of the recipes, they aren’t written down anywhere but in their head. We all live in America now. Do you happen to have a recipe for Humintas, your pictures to the right and left look like Humintas, I miss Humintas in the morning! – T

  17. I want to share that bilingual cook books can be ordered from Libreria Gismondi,they have a web site.
    Also ingredients from Bolivian Mall .
    For Bolivian type aji,in Peruvian stores is called Panca,red not hot.
    I have shared this blog with many that enjoy our food.

  18. Hi Rommy!

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. I am undergoing treatment for Breast Cancer and, on the days that I’m not feeling nauseous, I hang out on your blog, salivating at all the dishes. Mmmm! Que delicioso!!! Bien hecho!

    I was born in California but I lived with mis abuelos in Cochabamba (on Avenida Arce, across the street from the hospital) for about 5 years. They were the tastiest years of my life! ☺

    I don’t know what I will do if your blog suddenly disappears. Yikes!

    Muchisimas gracias,

    • Hola Jackie, thank you so much for those amazing words. My parents house is a few blocks from the hospital. I used to walk a lot that Av Arce going to school is a small world. You encourage me to be posting more recipes. Saludos y abrazos muy muy grandes para ti.

  19. Soy Cochabambina .y vivo en California ,me muero de deceo por comer humintas a la olla y tambien al horno ,sera possible me puedas proporcionar algunas recetitas, un abrazo Feliz ano!!!

  20. Just returned from two months in the Cochabamba area. Love the area ….and the food. Was there for the 30th Anniversary of Iglesia Cristiana Agua Viva de la Roca, in Vinto (Km 16.5) This was my fourth trip to Bolivia and I have decided that I need to return at least once a year from now on …. Thank you for all the great recipes. I look forward to trying my hand at many of them … God bless!

  21. Hola encontre tu pagina de cocina Boliviana, lo explicas muy claro y me gusto definitivamente cocinare el pique macho,

  22. Thank you! I have a strong craving for peanut soup and found your recipe here. My parents are Cochabambinos, grandmother 100% Quecha people as you say, and this soup is usually the first thing I eat when I return to my grandmother’s house when I visit Cochabamba. My family’s version in California has deviated so much from the original that I need to reset our recipe! Thank you for doing this in English to help my American wife keep our traditions alive!

  23. Hi Rommy, I am trying to find out how to contact you, other than leaving a message here. I love your recipes and am writing a column about Bolivian food and including some recipes. Would you please contact me so that we can discuss asking for your permission to include one of your recipes? Thank you so much!

  24. Hi, Rommy. I’m a journalist and student of Social Sciences, and I’m doing research about Bolivian food in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Would you like to do an interview by email or Skype? ¡Saludos desde Brasil!

    • Hi Flaviana
      Yes i would love to do the interview we can do Skype usually I’m available after 7 pm during the week and on Saturdays I’m available all day.Let me know what time and date works for you and i will add you to my Skype contact

  25. Greetings from Holland, Rommy
    I’m a photographer/writer from the Netherlands, working on a book on traditional artisanal bread worldwide (see our Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/breadprojectworldwide/).
    We’re preparing a trip to South America in 2019, wanting to visit Bolivia during the Semana Santa. I heard there’s many special breads made during those festive days, but all I could find was your recipe on Biscocho de Semana Santa.
    Could you tell me about other special breads which are baked during these days? We’re also planning to visit Argentina and Patagonia. But we have to plan carefully and have to know precisely what unique breads we can find.
    Thank you ever so much in advance if you can give me more info regarding the Bolivian bread tradition.
    Thank you!

    • Hi Hans, Im from cochabamba Bolivia and for the semana santa usually the most common bread we bake is biscocho, but in the markets you are going to be able to find the different varieties of bread that Bolivia has to offer. Something you might be interested on is PAN DE ARANI ( Arani is a little town that is well know for the special style of bread they have breads call TOCOS and CHAMILLOS and they have amazing traditional bakers making this bread all year around.
      here is a link to an article about this bread, is in Spanish.


      I hope this is helpful and if you need more info I’m more than happy to help.

  26. Hola Rommy, soy cochabambino y buscando una foto de rollo de queso me encontré con tu blog, primero muchísimas gracias por ayudar a hacer conocida a nuestra culinaria, tu aporte a nuestra cultura no tiene precio. Continúa así.
    Por otro lado queria entrar en contacto contigo sobre una foto que tienes en tu site, si pudieras responderme estos días estaría muy agradecido.

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