16 comments on “Bolivian Ingredients

  1. What a delight to have stumbled upon Boliviancookbook.com! More recipes, please??? My parents came from Bolivia to the States back in 1958. My mother too is from Cochabamba and I’ve always said that of all the restaurants I’ve ever been to in my life, my very favorite foods are ANYTHING that my mother cook or bakes.
    Could you please post more recipes? I don’t read/speak Spanish very well so it’s quite difficult for me to use a Spanish/Bolivian cookbook. Thank you for what you did post and I’m going to try making them in the next couple months. Thanks!

    • Hi, I’m from Cochabamba an one of my favorite dish is silpancho and I already had it in my blog. I will write a recipe for Pique Macho soon! Thank you for visiting my blog!

  2. Silpancho is my favorite too! My family is from Bolivia and I almost made my dad miss our flight because I just HAD to have another silpancho before leaving Bolivia!

    Thank for for this wonderful blog. Your food looks delicious! My mother is a classic non-recipe follower, so I hope this blog helps me bring traditional Bolivian food into my American-Bolivian home 🙂 More recipes por favor!



  3. Hola! great to find your posting of Bolivian recipes. Just visited Quillacollo, loved the food–all the different kinds of potatoes. Do you know a dish pollo al curry con calavaein (not sure if this is the correct spelling)? A friend who is going to culinary school in Cochabamba made this dish and I thought she said it was a Bolivian dish. She also made Causa which I understand is Peruvian. Looking forward to trying your recipe of Silpancho; hope you post the recipe for Pique Macho

  4. I was looking for “Arroz a la Valenciana” ,that was a favorite of my father,how about some about how to Humintas, Quinua?
    La felicito.

  5. Hi! What a great blog you have! All recipes are so well described. I have been searching the recipe for humintas. Please post that recipe soon. Thanks!!

  6. For anybody looking for ingredients, one can order on line from a Peruvian Store, Aji Panca sin picante is Aji Colorado, I buy Sibarita, also they have yellow Aji, hot and not hot, chuño is papa seca Serrana.
    Ocullo is papalisa. Also I get pimentón in a jar , huacataya .
    Hope is helps when looking for ingredients.
    Buen Provecho.
    Gracias por los videos.

  7. Hola a todos. Estoy buscando una receta para hacer Api. Hace diez anos yo vivia en Argentina y ahi podia encontrar de vez en cuando bolsitas de Api instantaneo pero ahora yo vivo en Utah y lo unico que encuentro es harina de maiz morado. Intente hacer api con la harina de maiz morado , azucar , canela y cascara de limon pero no me sale. Alguien tiene una receta? milenkautah@yahoo.com Gracias!

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